The PulseChain Validator Service

The Easiest Way To Stake PulseChain


These Are The PulseChain Staking Requirements

A minimum of 32 Million PLS is needed to setup a staking wallet.

Minium We Reccomend for our service:

2 Validators or 64 Million PLS

Choose Between Our Two Services:


The Cloud Staking Service

With this service, our team sets up a miner just for you in our offices. All you need is your PLS to stake with. We make your validator wallets in which you deposit your PLS into and connect with our validators enabling you to earn PLS rewards.

The cost of this service is

$8,000 USD

$4,000 per Year Annual Maintenance and Monitoring


Individual Validator Unit:


8 Hour Back-up Battery

For optimal validator performance in the case of power outages.

Completely Managed For You:

Massive Savings:

70% Cheaper per month than AWS/Azure and other solutions.

Optimized Performance:

All updates are handled by our Tech team.

Up-Time & Internet Speed:

Our setup guarantees close to 24/7 up-time maximizing your reward potential.

The Hosting Location: South Florida

Miami Lakes, FL, USA

Hosting Location: South Florida

Miami Lakes, FL, USA

Our Florida location is a safe option for hosting with AT&T Fiber Internet. Other than the occasional rain storms, In-land South Florida is a calm and secure place to operate. In the case of climate related emergencies leading to lose of electricity, proper precautions will be taken. Power reserves and surge protection systems will be used to guarantee near full-time operation.

The In-Person Build Service

With this service our team flys to you and installs your validator in your home or place of business. This cost of this service includes your hardware, travel, setup, and maintenance of your validator for the first year of operation.

The Price of this Build Service is

$12,000 USD One-Time

$1,500 per Year Annual Maintenance and Support

The 3-Step Process To Schedule Your Installation

1. Consultation and Planning

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During the initial step, we'll have a consultation to understand your goals and requirements. We'll discuss the Pulse Chain Validator Installation Service in detail, answer any questions, and guide you in purchasing your crypto assets. This step ensures we have a clear understanding of your expectations and allows us to tailor the service to meet your unique requirements.

2. Seamless Setup & Earning

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Once we have a solid plan in place, we'll move on to the hardware setup and configuration. We'll meet you at the location of installation and set up the necessary hardware components, ensuring they are correctly connected and optimized for performance. Our team will also assist with the creation of the wallets and configuration of the software ensuring that your crypto is stored safely and everything is running smoothly.

3. Ongoing Support and Maintenance

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Our service includes ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your validator operates seamlessly. We'll keep you informed about software updates and new releases related to Pulse Chain. Our team will assist you in implementing these updates to keep your validator running smoothly and securely. You can reach our dedicated support team to address any queries or concerns.

Here's a Break Down of the Validator Hardware

It's a sleek design. Its not a big bulky or energy intensive device.


Intel NUC 12 Pro w/ Core i7 Processor- (US Power Cord)

64 GB of RAM

4TB M.2 SSD Hard Drive

15.6” Monitor - Portable USB

Keyboard and Mouse

USB Stick with Ubuntu Linux OS

UPS System w/ 8 Hour Battery and Surge Protection

Validator Reward Earnings

as of 02/11/2024


3 Million+ PLS per Wallet

$432 USD per Wallet


256K+ PLS per Wallet

$36 USD per Wallet

5 Validators wallets running from

May 14, 2023 thru Feb 11, 2024 - 13% APY

@ PulseChain Price: $0.000144

200x Potential Value Earned: $417,800

Our Client's

Active Validators

Mining PulseChain

Frequently Asked Questions

Many of our customers' questions are similar.

We have answered and compiled the most common ones for you.

General Information

What is a Pulse Chain validator?

A Pulse Chain validator is a node that participates in the validation of transactions and consensus on the Pulse Chain network. Validators play a crucial role in securing the network and earn rewards ($PLS) for their participation.

What are the benefits of running a validator?

Running a Pulse Chain validator allows you to actively contribute to the blockchain network while earning rewards. Validators help secure the network and participate in the block validation process, which provides opportunities for earning token rewards.

FAQ image

How does Cash Flow Academy's validator installation service work?

Our service provides a convenient and hassle-free way for investors to set up and maintain their Pulse Chain validators. Our experienced team will visit your location to install the validator unit, guide you through the process, and provide ongoing support and maintenance.

What is the cost of the installation service?

The installation service is priced at $10,000 USD, which covers the setup of the device. In addition, clients are responsible for the cost of computer parts (approximately $1,500 USD) and 32 Million $PLS tokens per validator they want to run on their unit.

Technical Requirements

What are the system requirements for running a validator?

Running a Pulse Chain validator typically requires a computer with sufficient processing power (specified hardware requirements) and a stable internet connection. Detailed technical specifications will be provided during the installation process.

What kind of internet connection do I need?

A stable and reliable internet connection is essential for running a validator. A high-speed broadband connection is recommended to ensure optimal performance and synchronization with the Pulse Chain network.

Can I run multiple validators on the same device?

Yes, it is possible to run multiple validators on the same device, depending on the hardware specifications and resources available. Our team will guide you on the feasibility and best practices for running multiple validators.

Installation Process

What is the timeline for the installation process?

The installation process typically takes a 1-2 hours to complete, depending on various factors. Our team will work efficiently to ensure a timely service.

How do I prepare for the installation?

Prior to the installation, we will provide you with a checklist of requirements and preparations. This may include ensuring you have a stable Wi-Fi network, providing necessary access to the installation area, and having the required hardware components ready.

What steps are involved in setting up the validator unit?

The setup process involves assembling the hardware components, installing the necessary software and clients, configuring the validator settings, and ensuring proper synchronization with the Pulse Chain network. Our team will handle all these steps during the installation.

What software and tools are required?

The specific software and tools required for the installation will be provided by our team. This typically includes the Pulse Chain client software, necessary drivers, and any additional tools or utilities to support the validator setup.

Funding & Investments

How do I transfer my funds to the validator securely?

During the installation process, our team will guide you on securely transferring your funds to the validator. We will provide step-by-step instructions and ensure that your funds are protected throughout the transfer process.

What is the minimum investment amount?

The minimum investment amount to participate in our Pulse Chain validator install service is $15,000 USD. This ensures that clients have a sufficient investment to benefit from running a validator.

Can I add additional funds or increase my investment later?

Yes, you can add additional funds or increase your investment at a later stage. Our team will provide guidance on the process for adding funds to your validator and maximizing your investment potential.

Maintenance & Updates

How often do I need to update my validator?

Validators need to be updated when new versions of the Pulse Chain client software, such as Go-Pulse and Prysm-Pulse, are released. Updates are important to ensure your validator remains secure, optimized, and compatible with the network.

What is the process for updating the validator software?

Our team will assist you in the update process. We will provide you with the necessary files and instructions to run an update script on your device. This script will handle stopping and removing old containers and running the client codes with the new updated versions.

How can I ensure my validator runs smoothly and optimally?

To ensure your validator runs smoothly and optimally, it is important to follow best practices such as maintaining a stable internet connection, regularly updating the software, and monitoring the performance of your validator. Our team will provide guidance on optimizing your validator's performance.

What should I do in case of technical issues or errors?

In case of technical issues or errors, we provide comprehensive customer support. You can reach out to our team via video conference, community chat, or email for assistance. We will troubleshoot the issue and provide guidance to resolve it as quickly as possible.

Rewards & Profitability

How are rewards distributed for running a validator?

You rewards are deposited in a deposit address created during the setup process. You own and will store the private key to this wallet. Rewards for running a Pulse Chain validator are distributed in the form of tokens, $PLS. The exact reward distribution mechanism may vary based on the Pulse Chain network protocol.

How can I monitor and track my validator's performance?

There are various tools and platforms available to monitor and track the performance of your validator. Our team will guide you on setting up and using these tools to keep track of your validator's activity, rewards, and overall performance.

How do I withdraw or reinvest my rewards?

Withdrawing or reinvesting your rewards will depend on your specific setup and preferences. Our team will provide instructions on how to manage and handle your rewards, including transferring them to your chosen wallet or reinvesting them in additional validators.

Security & Safety

How can I ensure the safety of my investment and validator?

To ensure the safety of your investment and validator, it is crucial to follow security best practices. This includes using secure hardware wallets or wallets with strong security measures, implementing proper access controls, regularly updating software, and staying vigilant against potential threats.

What security measures should I take to protect my funds?

It is recommended to store your funds in secure wallets, such as hardware wallets or wallets with multi-factor authentication. Additionally, implementing strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and keeping your system and software up to date can enhance the security of your funds.

What are the best practices for securing my validator unit?

Best practices for securing your validator unit include securing the physical location of the unit, utilizing firewalls and antivirus software, regularly updating the operating system and software, and practicing good network security practices, such as using secure Wi-Fi networks and strong passwords.

Exiting the Validator

How do I safely exit the validator and take profits?

Exiting the validator and taking profits typically involves following a carefully planned process. Our team will guide you on the steps required to safely exit your validator, transfer funds, and realize your profits. This may include securely transferring funds to your desired wallet or platform.

What is the process for shutting down or transferring the validator?

The process for shutting down or transferring the validator will be explained by our team. This may involve stopping the validator software, securely transferring funds and assets, and ensuring that the validator is properly decommissioned or transferred to another party, if applicable.


My validator is not syncing. What should I do?

If your validator is not syncing with the Pulse Chain network, there could be several reasons. First, ensure that your internet connection is stable and functioning properly. Check the validator software and client versions to ensure they are up to date. If the issue persists, you can reach out to our support team for troubleshooting assistance. We will help you diagnose the problem and provide guidance on resolving the syncing issue.

How can I troubleshoot common errors or issues?

Troubleshooting common errors or issues may involve analyzing error messages, reviewing log files, and verifying the configuration settings. Our team will provide troubleshooting guidance specific to the common errors or issues you may encounter with your validator. We encourage you to reach out to our support team for assistance, and we'll help you resolve any technical issues promptly.

Where can I find additional support if I need assistance?

If you need additional support or assistance, you can reach out to our dedicated support team. We offer video conference support, community chat support, and email support. Simply contact us via the provided phone number, email address, Telegram, or Instagram, and we will promptly assist you with any questions or issues you may have.

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